Sleep Your Way To Success
Did you know you could sleep your way to success? Scientific research according to the Division of Sleep Medicine at the Harvard Medical School suggests negative effects of sleep deprivation performance are so high that those under in influence of alcohol perform better than those who are lacking sleep. What does that tell you?
While some may have been taught to believe that spending less time resting will encourage them to be more productive, they could not be more wrong. Getting a good night of sleep promotes success in various ways, both physically and mentally. This plays a major role in how you think, feel, and perform throughout the day. Below you will find five valid reasons on why you should be hitting the snooze button more often.
1. Sleep Enforces Productivity
Not only does being sleep deprived affects your productivity which barricades you from having mental clarity – where everything comes easily to you instead of feeling like you have a fog over your brain. With that being said, when you have recieved a sufficient amount of sleep you feel and think at your optimal best. You will find you are more motivated and able to take on goals and find yourself with more energy to be productive through out the day.
2. Sleep Can Lead to Efficiency
Though some may be able to stay productive through out the day running on little sleep, they may not always be efficient. When you have not accumulated enough hours of sleep you are risking your decision making capabilities, reaction time, and memory being impaired which can make you prone to making more mistakes through out the day whether it is in the work place or personal life.