Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

What is this constant ringing in the ears? Why is it happening? If it as a blockage of wax, how can you properly hear everything? Is it tinnitus? Is it possible without hearing loss?

Tinnitus is ringing type sound which you hear without any external sound. It can be like buzzing, ringing or clicking. However, you may not lose your hearing ability. It only causes if you have a tinnitus problem due to Meniere’s disease. Patients feel irritated due to constant ticking sound in their ears while listening to music, talking to someone or even while sleeping.

Causes of Tinnitus

Tinnitus usually happens due to attending a loud rock music concert or while listening loud music through headphones, listening to a high pitch sound, roaring or any loud sound can cause tinnitus. It is also caused by aging.

It happens due to the loss or damage of tiny sensory hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear. Tinnitus isn’t a disease, but a symptom only which only coincidences are hearing loss. Your hearing doesn